Thursday, May 6, 2010

50 most popular women on the web, Lady Gaga Hot Video

50 Most Popular Women On The Web was released by the search engine, Google. This time it was Lady Gaga, who tops the list. Google announced this list based on the searches done for particular persons by the Google users.

Lady Gaga, American recording artist topped the list with an 85,900,000 results and pop singer Ke$ha is in the second place with 76,100,000 results. Third place was occupied by a famous singer Madonna with 61,300,00 searches.

But, one thing we have to notice here is that, Justin Biber, a 16-year-old male singer was also included in the list of 50 most popular women on the web. It was little surprising for all. Justin Biber occupied seventh position with an searches of 34,200,000.

Here Is The Full List

In this list of top 50 popular women on the web, the first eight positions occupied by the singers (Lady GaGa, Kesha, Madonna, Beyonce, Rihanna, Britney Spears, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus). Hollywood hot baby, Megan Fox was placed at number 15 and Sandra Bullock got 24th place in this list.


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