Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bret Michaels Brain Hospital: Bret Michaels is in ICU

Bret Michaels Brain Hospital, Bret Michaels Brain Hemorrhage: On Thursday night, Bret Michaels was admitted in hospital after suffering from excruciating headache. However, the hospital name is unveiled. Doctors found that he has been suffering with massive subarachnoid hemorrhage. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a kind of bleeding from the base of brain stem.

According to his publicist Joann Mignano, Bret Michaels is in New York and he confirmed that he is in critical condition. He said that after several CAT scans, MRIs and an angiogram, doctors has decided to put Michaels in ICU. He is being examined thoroughly to determine the cause.

He also said that, they don’t have any further information until the next testing for Bret Michales is done. Earlier, there was lot of rumors he was died due to subarachnoid hemorrhage. But, those rumors are false.


  1. Learn how to write in english. He was died??????????

  2. Bret get better!! Chicago loves you!!!!! Roxann


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